Match Exposures with One Click auto-generated 2020Hello Friends
Welcome I am A. Rehman KhanI'm going to share with you how to match the exposures of multi photos with one click and
here's the great part we gonna match
the exposures according to teethe the camera settings make Senseco let me show that to you so here
we are in Lightroom and I want you
to have a close look at these photo are in the develop module and these photos from a bridge I was taking photos of these boats from the bridge
it was fun now let's have look at the settings of the cameras when these pictures if we press I image settings kind of show up alright if we press I again the
camera settings show up so this taken with one two hundredth of a second at f10 Iso 800 right
now the exposure was not right so
iChange the settings a bit and took the second photo in this second photo I changed the shutter
speed to 1/12 50th of a second and then changed the
f-stop and the ISO as well but I still think the exposure was not right so in the third photo I brightened it up a little bit so
let's say this is the exposure that you like alright and all the photos have in the same lighting conditions as you can see in this
case all you have to do is select all these photos so this photo is right now selected you can hold
the ctrl or command key and then select the
other two you can also hold the shift key so let's say only this one hold the shift key select the
last one all them in the
line will selected now keep in mind the brightest photo in the selection you see the selection
right there all the selected photos have
been but their lightest one is the most selected photo so make sure that the most selected
photo is the photo where the
exposure is right you can also adjust the exposure if you want to so if you want to adjust
the perfect exposure so let's say
this is the exposure that you want in all the images next thing you do is go to settings and
then match total exposures and
have a look the exposures were automatic updated look at the second one see automatic the exposure when to 0.73 to match
with that of the camera setting of the perfect exposure look at this one it went 0.73 as well
in this case it it is jus 0.09 so all the
images will adjust according toto the camera settings that you had put there and put the same
exposure for all those images now do
keep in mind if the lighting situations change and not your camera settings this feature will
not work let me show you
what I mean let's have a look at these series of photos so here is the first one second
one third one as you can see the exposure doesn't look similar on all these photos
yet if you have a close look at the
camera settings so look at the camera settings one 200 F 5.6 and the second one is the
same third one the camera settings are the same so why are the exposures different
because the flash did not fire or the
power of the flash was not enough so in this case the camera settings was not at fault the
lighting conditions
we're at fault so let's say this is the perfect exposure even if I select all these since
the camera setting is the same if I go to settings and then match total exposures nothing
nothing will happen it stays and the same
position why because the camera settings are
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